Spiritual Gifts


Luke 6:12-13 • 1 Corinthians 12:28 • 2 Corinthians 12:12 • Ephesians 2:20 • Ephesians 4:11-13



A Holy Spirit-empowered ability to develop and deploy strategic leadership endeavors and utilize spiritual authority to significantly increase the missional capacity of the church.


Common Characteristics

  1. An ability to adapt well and even thrive in times of adversity
  2. A strong sense of vision for what God desires to do in the Church at large
  3. A burden for sharing the gospel with people who have not heard it yet
  4. A willingness to take great risks and try new things
  5. An ability to oversee large groups of people
  6. A tendency to be creative and to think “outside the box”
  7. An ability to persuade or motivate other people
  8. A deep, sacrificial love for the Church and the people of God
  9. An wide-reaching influence that transcends local settings
  10. A tendency to have particularly fruitful and visibly “effective” ministries
  11. A passion for pioneering or establishing new ministries or churches


Ways to Grow in Christ’s Likeness

  1. Practice Christian servant leadership as “power under” rather than “power over”  others
  2. Expect opposition and persecution to be a part of your call
  3. Accept accountability from peers
  4. Lead by example in prayer, faithfulness, and perseverance
  5. Humble yourself to receive the ministry of others to you
  6. Avoid using your authority to the quench the Spirit’s movement in others
  7. Submit to the church and recognize its authority to confirm and commission your gift
  8. Practice patience and beware of demanding more of others than they are able to give
  9. Call attention to God and not yourself

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-Click your name near the top right corner of the screen and select “Edit Profile”.
-Select the "My Fit" tab.
-Scroll through each section and click the box to the right of each item  to select.
-When you are finished, click save at the bottom.